The Audio module provides a way for a content author to embed a sound effect or background audio in the page. The sounds embedded with the Audio module must, unless they autoplay, be played via the flow controller nodes.
Audio Properties
Details (required)
Asset, defaults to a whooshing sound effect
Allows the selection of an audio file from the asset manager this is the asset that will be played by the module.
Checkbox, default disabled
If enabled, shows the audio will loop back to the beginning after it reaches the end of the audio.
Checkbox, default disabled
If enabled, attempts to play the audio immediate when the module loads
Browser limitations may block autoplay when a user first visits your page. A play button will appear if autoplay is blocked, requiring the user to click to begin playback. For a workaround, see Force Autoplay.
On Timestamp Update
Fires when the audio playback advances to a new timestamp.
The current timestamp of the audio in seconds
The total duration of the audio file in seconds
On Complete
Fires when the audio has played through to the end. Does not trigger for looping audio.
On Pause
Fires when audio playback has been paused.
On Play
Fires when audio playback has started or resumed.
On Start
Fires when audio playback starts. Does not fire when a paused audio file is resumed.
On Unmute
Fires when audio playback volume has been unmuted.
On Mute
Fires when the audio playback volume has been set to zero.
When triggered, sets the audio playback volume to the zero.
When triggered, pauses audio playback.
When triggered, starts audio playback.
When triggered, sets the audio playback volume to the previous level.
Set Source
When triggered, sets the current source of the audio module to the specified URL.
Source URL
The URL of the source audio file.
Last updated
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