April 12, 2024
Nothing brand new in this cycle. We continue to work on an upcoming feature to radically enhance the types of sites Flux can build.
Updated the design of the Flow Controller for better usability and for your viewing pleasure.
Page paths fields on Flows are no longer case sensitive (for example,
Router: Go To
)The Site Overview Page now shows the name of the site, and the Organization it belongs to in the sidebar header.
[Module - Open Login] Input placeholder text is now editable
Fixed a bug that prevented opening of the "Copy Selector" menu in the Editor.
[Module - Open Login] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Chrome to view input fields as credit card fields
[Module - Access Code] Fixed a bug where two error messages could appear at the same time when using the Resend Code form.
[Module - Video] Fixed a bug that prevented playback on the same page after authentication.
[Module - Video] Volume sliders no longer appear on mobile devices with hardware volume controls.
[Module - Spline] Fixed a bug that causes the module to grown in height infinitely in the Editor when hidden.
Last updated
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