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Users invited to interact with your Backstage site are referred to as Guests. Using our Attendee Management tool, you can invite Guests and provide access codes to authenticate them. An authenticated Guest, referred to as an Attendee, is able to access private pages, use Chat, and be included in Analytics reports.
It is important to note the distinction between Guests and Attendees:
A Guest is a user invited to interact with your site.
An Attendee is a guest that has successfully logged in (authenticated) and interacted with your site.
The Attendee Management tool is where all your guests will appear and can be managed from, organized by Show. It can be found in your Overview Dashboard. Under your Shows List, click on the Manage Attendees button on the right of the show name you want to manage:
You can also navigate to Attendee Management by clicking on the Attendees button on the left navigation bar. To learn more about how to manage your guests, check out our guide on Managing Your Guest List.
Each Guest has a few pieces of information attached to them:
The name of the guest.
The email address of the guest.
A unique code to gain access to your site by using the Access Code module.
You can optionally assign a code to your guest when adding them to your Guest List. If one is not provided, Backstage will automatically generate one for you.
An optional way of segmenting your Guest List. Tags act as identifiers for your guests, to make it easy for your team to differentiate and filter your Guests, such as identifying your:
RSVP'd Guests
Client staff
You can create your own set of tags to use for your Guest List, and each guest can have as many or as few tags as you want.
Typically, tags are only for internal use in the Attendee Management page. The exception is the Verified tag, which will display the Guest in a different colored name and a checkmark icon if they participate in the show's Chat.