Access Code
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The Access Code module provides a way for a Guest to authenticate with an access code.
How to treat magic links (required) Dropdown Defines the behavior when guests enter the site using a magic link containing their access code. Options include:
For auto-submit to work, the "Show Terms and Conditions" checkbox must be unchecked.
Title String Sets the title string displayed at the top of the Access Code module.
Subtitle String Sets the subtitle text displayed under the title of the Access Code module.
Access Code Length Number Sets the access code length requirement on the site. This should reflect the access code length generated when uploading Guests.
Error Message for Wrong Access Code String Sets the error message that is displayed when an invalid access code is entered.
Show Terms and Conditions Checkbox?
Checkbox, default enabled
If enabled, shows the Terms and Conditions box which users must check off in order to log in.
AccessCode:on-failure Indicates an unsuccessful verification has occurred. This usually renders an error in the Access Code Module
reason - Reason for the error in Access Code
showId - Unique ID for the show that the error is for.
AccessCode:on-success Indicates a successful verification has occurred. This usually renders an success in the Access Code Module
attendeeId - Unique ID for the attendee.
attendeeName - Name for the attendee.
attendeeEmail - Email for the attendee.
showId - Unique ID for the show.
AccessCode:verify Requests the given access code be verified for the show. This usually will return the access code used in the Access Code Module.
accessCode - Access code used for the verify instruction
showId - Unique ID for the show.
AccessCode:success Access code was successfully verified
attendee - Attendee object with id
chatToken - Array of tokens
AccessCode:failure Access code could not be verified
The name of an animation state for the Access Code.
Button Label String Sets the label of the button.
Button ARIA Label String If defined, sets the ARIA label of the button to provide the element with an accessible name.
Button Color
String - Valid color string (white
) or hex code (#FFFFF
Sets the color of the button background.
Text Color
String - Valid color string (white
) or hex code (#FFFFF
Overrides the default color of the text.
Overrides the default width of the button. This property accepts lengths followed by a relative unit (em
, ex
, or px
) or percentages. Example: 500px
or 5em
Input Label String Sets the name of the code input field.
Input Placeholder String If defined, sets the input placeholder. This is usually used as helper text for access code entry.
Size Dropdown Font size of the access code input. Options include:
Style attribute String, css style property(ies) Can be used to apply CSS to customize the access code input.
Label Content (required) Rich text Sets the label of the checkbox. The default label is contains an agreement to the Terms and Conditions. This supports rich text for the checkbox label.
Button Label String Sets the label specific to the link for resending codes.
Button ARIA Label String If defined, sets the ARIA label of the resend code button to provide the element with an accessible name.
Text Color
String - Valid color string (white
) or hex code (#FFFFF
Overrides the default color of the text.
Show Resent Link?
Checkbox, default disabled
If enabled, shows the resend link if its available.
SendGrid Template Id
String - valid SendGrid template id
Template to use when guests request their access code
SendGrid From Name
Name of site/event to use when the guests receieve a resend code email, defaults to the site name if not provided.
SendGrid From Email Address
String, a valid formatted email address
Email address of site/event to use when the guests receieve a resend code email, defaults
if not provided. Use caution when setting this value if the from email address does not have a reputation as a valid email sender the resend code emails are very likely to end up in spam folders.